There's been a lot of help on the way
"Without a lot of help we couldn't have managed. At every meeting we have been supported directly by friends giving up their time, money and energy, be it on the spanners, setting up the awning, providing board and lodging or just cheering us up and keeping us a happy and friendly team."
"Racing couldn't go on without the army of volunteers to help organise the events, Marshall the course and give the best life saving medical help."
"Racing is a family and we have had wonderful support from other teams in times of crisis. A great example was when Ian was riding Yoshie Kishimoto's Mirai electric bike for the TT zero race. In practice, out on the circuit, the entire battery pack caught fire and was buried in a car park at the side of the track by the fire brigade! There weren't any spare batteries. The other teams leant us batteries so we could compete and Ian came third behind the two Mugens! So wonderful"
"We are grateful to all our suppliers and sponsors all listed on the Team ILR site. There are three who have had to put up with the most aggravation from us.
"I have a bit of an addiction to Patons and we are so grateful to Paolo and his team at Paton for all their help and support. Simon Bleasdale does our engines, and we are so grateful for the great work he does. Richard at Maxton does a brilliant job with our suspension."
Mark Coverdale